Ghana’s Rice Production: Overcoming Challenges with Cropslist Technology

Sep 1, 2023 | Market Insights & Trends | 0 comments

Ghana, a peaceful democracy in West Africa, is home to over 33 million people, with a significant portion being young, under the age of 25. As the population continues to grow, so does the demand for staple foods, particularly rice. However, there’s a gap between demand and supply, leading to a heavy reliance on imports.

The Rice Landscape in Ghana

Rice has become a major staple in Ghana, with consumption estimated at 1.50 MMT in 2023, a slight increase from the previous year’s 1.45 MMT. The average person in Ghana consumed about 43 kg of rice in 2022. Despite its importance, the country faces a challenge: a significant portion of the rice consumed is imported. In fact, between 2007 and 2015, the amount spent on imported rice skyrocketed from $151m to $1.2bn. The majority of these imports come from countries like Thailand, Vietnam, and India.

In 2023, domestic rice production is forecasted to reach 800,000 MT, a notable increase from the 690,000 MT produced in the previous year. This growth is attributed to favourable rainfall predictions and the observed increase in paddy prices, which rose by 95% in 2022 compared to the previous year. However, even with this increase in production, there’s still a mismatch between demand and supply. In 2023, Ghana’s rice imports are projected to remain at 700,000 MT, similar to the previous year.

Supply Chain Inefficiencies and the Role of Data

One of the main challenges in bridging the gap between demand and supply is the inefficiency in the supply chain. Smallholder farmers, who play a crucial role in domestic production, often lack access to relevant market data. This lack of information can lead to a mismatch between what farmers produce and what the market demands.

Moreover, the recent rice export ban by India, a major supplier for Ghana, has further highlighted the vulnerabilities in the country’s rice supply chain. Read more about the impact of India’s rice export ban on Ghana here.

Introducing Cropslist

Cropslist aims to address these challenges by focusing on smallholder farmer groups involved in rice production in Ghana. By leveraging technology, Cropslist seeks to reduce supply chain inefficiencies, provide farmers with relevant market data, and support them in producing better quality rice. The goal is to improve food security, create employment opportunities, and enhance the livelihoods of those involved in local rice production.

Join the Movement

The potential benefits are clear: better food security, job creation, rural development, and improved livelihoods for families engaged in rice production. By improving performance across the value chain, we can boost the competitiveness of Ghanaian rice and ensure sustainable local production.

But we can’t do this alone. We need your support. If you believe in our mission and want to see a change in Ghana’s rice industry, follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Share our message and stay tuned for our official launch in September. Together, we can make a difference.

Sources Used:

  • GIZ, 2019, “Ghana Rice Study”, GIZ
  • USDA, 2023, “Grain and Feed Annual Report”, USDA
  • ISSER, 2019, “Transformation of the Rice Milling Industry in Ghana”, ISSER


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