The Future of Farming in Sub-Saharan Africa: Youth, Tech, and Hope

Sep 27, 2023 | Farming Stories, Market Insights & Trends | 0 comments

In Sub-Saharan Africa, farming isn’t just a job; it’s a way of life for many. It’s the heartbeat of the region, providing food, income, and even identity for countless communities. But recent numbers tell a story of change. In countries like Ghana, the contribution of farming to the economy has dropped, among others because of a lack of investment. This decline is concerning, especially when we think about the future. Who will grow our food? Who will tend to our lands? The answer lies with the youth.

The Challenge: Where Have All the Young Farmers Gone?

It’s a simple question with a complex answer. Farming, for all its importance, has started to lose its shine for many young people in the region. The reasons are many: old and tiring farming methods, lack of modern tools, and sometimes, just the appeal of city life and different careers. But this trend poses a big problem. If young people turn away from farming, who will be there to take it forward? Who will grow our rice?

Tech to the Rescue: Making Farming Cool Again

Here’s where the exciting part begins. Just as tech has changed how we shop, chat, and even date, it’s changing farming too. Digital tools, from mobile apps to online platforms, are making farming smarter. In Kenya, for instance, DigiFarm is helping farmers get the best out of their land. It offers advice, market links, and even financial services. And the best part? It’s all on a mobile phone. At Cropslist we aim to connect farmers with markets and improve supply chain tranparency and information exchange thanks to digital platforms and tools.

Mechanisation: More Than Just Machines

But it’s not just about apps. When we talk about modernising farming, we’re also talking about machines. Tractors, ploughs, harvesters – tools that can reduce the hard work and increase output. Mechanisation can transform farming, making it more efficient and, let’s admit it, more appealing to young folks.

The Bigger Picture: Inclusivity and Support

But machines and apps alone won’t do the trick. We need to think bigger. We need to make sure everyone gets a fair chance, especially women. Many women work hard on farms, but they face challenges. From not having good land to work on to juggling farm work with house duties, the hurdles are many. Groups like CGIAR are stepping in, pushing for changes that give women and young people a better deal in farming.

The Road Ahead: Bright and Green

The future of farming in Sub-Saharan Africa is at a crossroads. On one side, there’s the challenge of declining interest, and on the other, the increasing demand for local produce, like rice, combined with the promise of tech and innovation. With the right support, tools, and policies, the region can turn things around. Young people can lead the charge, blending tradition with innovation.

In the end, it’s about more than just farming. It’s about securing a future – a future where the land is green, the yields are high, and the farmers, young and old, look ahead with hope.





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